Return of a Service Item

SmokeScreenSmokeScreen Member Posts: 27
I am trying to determine an efficient out of the box procedure for the return of a service item (all items are service items upon sale, with serial no. tracked) into a customer owned inventory location. Once the return is received charged repairs will take place on the service item and then the exact item will be sent back to the customer.

I can not figure out how to place a service item on the return order though. I believe I will also need to create a service order for the returned service item to allow for repair charges as well.

Any thoughts would help...



  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    If you have repair shop and it is in your location, you will have to set the location in the service order location field.When you sell the items to customer and you have different location with your repair shop, you need to use transfer order.
    I have created a new field name mechanic location and also create a command button to issue transfer order from a customer location to repair shop (name mechanic location) in the service item worksheet line and service item worksheet form.
    I just share with you what I am doing here.

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