Hi Guys, I want to do the impossible. I want to change the costing method of all my items from "FIFO" to "Average".
I know that is no problem for items with no item ledger entries, and if I change the Costing Method on an Item with Ledger Entries, I will get an error.
I am not sure what affect on the costings it will have and what I need to do in order for the change to work correctly... I am kind of lost here guys. Can you help me out?
:?: :oops:
Elmar F. Vidisson
Certified Navision Attain Developer
1. Make sure you have no items on any orders still outstanding, purchase or sales orders
2. do a negative adjustment to all items still in inventory to bring balance to zero
3. run adjust cost item entries routine
4. post Inventory cost to g/l
5. verify your inventory balance is zero, and your g/l inventory balance is zero for all the items
6. run a special processing only report made up as follows:
variable Name - IT
datatype - Table
subtype - Item
Data item is integer
It.SETFILTER("Costing Method",'FIFO');
It."Costing Method" := It."Costing Method"::Average
MESSAGE('Process complete');
Once complete,
do a positive adjustment for all items with the average cost you want to bring items back into inventory.
Now, I haven't completely thought out all the ramifications for changing from fifo to average and how future transactions will unfold. But I leave that up to you to decide if you want to take such a drastic step
We have occasionally used this method to change a few items from standard cost to specific cost. But I don't worry about that, since specific cost is linked to each individual serial number and not on historical fifo or average cost.
It is recommended to use new item nos. for the positive adjustment to prevent any influence between old and new costing method.