
Date Formats in Navision Server 2.60

waynewilwaynewil Member Posts: 41
edited 2003-10-02 in Navision Financials

I'm a SQL Server guy, so forgive the simplicity of this question.

Are dates stored as true date values in Navision Server 2.60, i.e. as a numeric offset from January 01, 0000? Are they therefore stored in one way and one way only, i.e. regardless of the short date format on the server differing from the client, etc., is the actual storage constant?



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    DoomhammerDoomhammer Member Posts: 211

    You are right. Dates in Navision Native Database are stored in format DD.MM.YYYY from 01.01.0000 (or January 1st, 0000) up to 31.12.9999 (December 31 st, 9999). I am using our - czech - regional date format.

    You can verify it using this example:
    go to Object Designer and create new tabular form running on Date system table. (date table cannot be seen from Object designer). There you can see how are dates created in Navision.

    that is all.

    Hope this helps.
    Martin Bokůvka, AxiomProvis
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