How to start database server through services in 4.01.

jetins9810jetins9810 Member Posts: 55
Dear All,


I am using navision version 4.01 on windows XP. i want to start
navision database server 4.01 through services in win. XP operating
system. During the instalation of navision database server i give
all neccessary parameters. but as soon as i press finish button the
following message appear "Could not start the Microsoft
Business Solution-Navision Database Server server
on local computer. Error 1 : Incorrect Function"
. Pl. sugges the
possible solutions to start the database service.

Welcome all.

With Thanks & Regards,
With Thanks & Regards
Jetinder Saini...........
CorporateServe Solutions Pvt. Ltd......India


  • PoltergeistPoltergeist Member Posts: 200
    Go to the directory where the serversoftware is located, and start server.exe manually from the commandprompt. Any errors will now be shown in the commandprompt, and these errors are a lot better to understand than the standard error 1 code.
  • fredefrede Member Posts: 80
    Could be that you need to apply a User Account on the Service - for instance Administrator or any other with appropriate user rights.

    It is new i 4.00 that you cannot use the Local System-account...

    Henrik Frederiksen, Denmark
  • NobodyNobody Member Posts: 93
    During a defaut install the server service will try and use 60% of the of the RAM installed on the machine so if you have 1 gig it will try and set the cache at 600 megs. If there is not 600 megs available on the machine when the service attempts to start it will through the error message you are receiving. You can test this by setting the cache to 8192 or 8 megs and trying to start the service.
  • Alex_ChowAlex_Chow Member Posts: 5,063
    Make sure when you select the database, it's not using a mapped drive.
  • PoltergeistPoltergeist Member Posts: 200
    frede wrote:
    Could be that you need to apply a User Account on the Service - for instance Administrator or any other with appropriate user rights.

    It is new i 4.00 that you cannot use the Local System-account...
    The Local System account can be used just as well. I found to have problems every time I use the (default) network service account, so I always use the local system account, even in 4.0.

    The error 1 you're getting is just a general failure message. You cannot derive any information from that. it could just be that the number of sessions is larger than indicated in the license file. (you did place the license file in the server directory?). It could be a memory error. It could be anything. Just try to start the server.exe program manualy (as I said before). If it runs, it could very well be an account issue, but usually it's not.
  • EugeneEugene Member Posts: 309
    did you check the licence on server ?
    It could be that expired licence is what causing the trouble
  • David_CoxDavid_Cox Member Posts: 509
    I had this problem, it was network permissions, I had the database on another server, and the local service on my workstation, and got the same error, but could run the service from the dos prompt.

    I moved the database to my local drive and it was fine, the sevice or my windows account, did not have rights to run from the drive the database was on.
    Analyst Developer with over 17 years Navision, Contract Status - Busy
    Mobile: +44(0)7854 842801
  • j1j1 Member Posts: 6
    We also continue to have problems (which I posted about here) with our 3.70 server that began with the "Error 1: Incorrect function" message and the service not starting anymore. If I pick [Client Only] as Servername and point to the database, it only allows one login at a time. Running in DOS revealed the message "There is not enough memory to execute this function." What would I change the 1GB cache to (the registry value is currently 151200)?
  • Henry_FaberHenry_Faber Member Posts: 8
    The solution is simple… Just go to configuration panel, software and uninstall the Navision Database service.
    Now install the Navision database service again using the installer and everything will work again.
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