Hi all,
I'm using Navision V 3.7 I have some questions about manufaturing.
I have build a BOM for 1 Finished Goods with 2 components and input the sale forecast for it; but I don't know how to make the purchase order for its component ?
Could you show me the process to solve this problem?
Thank a lot!
1. Open planning worksheet
2. Click function calculate regenerative plan
3. Click tab option and just check MPS only
4. Set order date and ending date
5. Select use forecast
but beforehand, in the manufacturing setup, just uncheck combine MPS/MRP calculation and fill current production forecast and also forecast by location if you fill it when doing forecasting.
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Thank for your reply.
I think i have problem during build Pro.BOM. I wonder whether need to make Pro. BOM or not because in Item card (Item Master file) you can add its components?
What is different between them?
I've created these items in Item Master file:
- FG-Finished good,
- SF-Semi-Finish Good,
- RM01-Raw Material 01,
- RM02 -Raw Material 02,
- RM03 -Raw Material 03.
And more, I make Pro.BOM with this structure:
- FG-Finished good with 1 SF-Semi-Finish Good and 1 RM01 -Raw Material 01;
- SF with 1 RM02 -Raw Material 02 and 1 RM03 -Raw Material 03.
Do I make wrong or mistake?
I am waiting your response.
Best Rergard.
The different between std BOM and production BOM is :
production BOM features:
1. production BOM can provide you calculation formula to define qty in the BOM, for example making a recipes. You can choose stock unit of measure that can be different than produced item
2. production BOM offers phantom BOM inside it
3. production BOM offers item/parts location/positions
4. etc. (available in online help + manual book)
BOM standard features:
1. Used in the sales and distribution
2. No link to production order component
3. etc ((available in online help + manual book)
So, in the master item, you can use either production BOM or BOM assembly standard, both of them are the place to add or describe item's master components but if you use in production, it's only production BOM that support you. When you use planning worksheet (MRP/MPS calculation) the system uses production BOM.
your production BOM should be as follows:
item master = FG
FG production BOM =
1. SF
2. Raw Material 1
3. Raw Material 2
4. Raw Material 3
item SF = SF
SF production BOM :
1. Raw material 4
2. Raw Material 5
the FG and SF have different production BOM, but system can capture them because you put it in your item card (in the production BOm field). By comparing to the above, I am sure you will know and sure that you are correct or now.
Have a nice try
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