I want to publish the navision database server in the network. To do this iam trying to run the schemaXT.exe file. But it is giving error like [url=LDAP://rootDSE]LDAP://rootDSE[/url] file not found
You can set the service name the same as the computer name. When other users connect to the server, they just have to type the computer name. I've never run the schemaxt.exe file. I'm sure there is documentation on it on install CD.
Ahmed Rashed Amini
Independent Consultant/Developer
The servicename has nothing to do with how clients connect to the database. If you call the Navision Service "1", and your server's DNS or NETBios name is "2", clients can only connect using the name "2" (or the IPaddress), not "1".
Besides that, SchemaXT makes it possible to select different databases from a native client, opposed to just typing the servername.
However, that said, I have no clue how SchemaXT works. I never got it working...
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
Besides that, SchemaXT makes it possible to select different databases from a native client, opposed to just typing the servername.
However, that said, I have no clue how SchemaXT works. I never got it working...