Stockopname in navision

Andreas_GunawanAndreas_Gunawan Member Posts: 64
Dear All,

I have a problem to conduct stockopname to inventory in Navision, what functionality I must use to conduct stockopname in my inventory..? I appreciate your answer so much. tku




  • bobnavisionbobnavision Member Posts: 159
    Can you please give more information on what you like to do?
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    What is "stockopname"?
  • Miklos_HollenderMiklos_Hollender Member Posts: 1,598
    My guess it could be something related to stock exchange. Stock options, Stock operations...
  • flfl Member Posts: 184
    Hi all,

    I can't explain why someone of Malaysia is using a Dutch title. What is meant here is the physical inventory check.

    You can use the figures of the physical inventory check in the physical inventory journal (which can be found in inventory or warehouse menu). Navision then translate the difference between accounting inventory and physical inventory in a positive or negative adjustment, and posts this difference. However, before you can fill in the figures, you need to run the function calculate inventory which you can find on the form of the physical inventory journal. This function fills the journal with the lines to calculate.
  • Andreas_GunawanAndreas_Gunawan Member Posts: 64
    Dear All,
    I thank you all for your reply and kindness to answer.

    fl wrote:
    can't explain why someone of Malaysia is using a Dutch title. What is meant here is the physical inventory check.

    fl is correct either in translation and answer. tku for translating,the title is also explained by myfriend in Indonesia. Also your answer is okay, I mean I will tell what happened after I conduct stockopname calculation.

    I will try to translate if there is a term not in english into english in the next questions other than current.
    I am sorry.

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