Can't open DWG as attachment

StilStil Member Posts: 10
I can attach PDF files and open them in Navision, but when i try opening *.dwg files I get the following error.

"C/SIDE hyperlinking failed.
You tried to hyperlink to this target:"

Is it possible that the "dwg" extension is not listed in the fin.stx file? Or am i talking about 2 different things.



  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    That means that the machine you are hyperlinking on doesn't have an application registered for that file extension.
  • StilStil Member Posts: 10
    It has a dwg viewer on it. I can run from "Start->Run->filename.dwg". It will open this right away. Wouldn't it then be able to run thru Navision?

  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    It used to work like that, but I also just read somewhere that the extensions are now stored in the stx file, and you can't add those. You'll have to program a shell command then to run the dwg files. I don't know myself how to do that, but there are plenty of examples on this forum.
  • StilStil Member Posts: 10
    Thanks guys for your input and help.
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    Did you get it to work?
  • StilStil Member Posts: 10
    Not yet. I don't do development, just a lowly user that has to know how things work. I'm having this problem and have kicked the request up the ladder but so far they haven't solved the problem. Maybe they ought to subscribe to this forumn? :)

    I will pass on the info. you all have provided to our developers.

    Thanks guys.
  • jpjesusjpjesus Member Posts: 45
    DenSter wrote:
    It used to work like that, but I also just read somewhere that the extensions are now stored in the stx file, and you can't add those. You'll have to program a shell command then to run the dwg files. I don't know myself how to do that, but there are plenty of examples on this forum.

    I guess you might be right.
    Today I got the same error with HYPERLINK('C:\ErrorFile.LOG'). This file opens with NOTEPAD.

    Under version 3.70B PTG this command runs fine.

    Under version 4.00 SP1 PTG it gives the "C/SIDE hyperlinking failed".
    When I changed the file extension to TXT it started to work.

    I guess it depends on Navision version and has nothing to do with the OS or the OS environment.

    Joao Jesus
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    DenSter wrote:
    It used to work like that, but I also just read somewhere that the extensions are now stored in the stx file, and you can't add those. You'll have to program a shell command then to run the dwg files. I don't know myself how to do that, but there are plenty of examples on this forum.

    Hyperlink is a godsend - I feel it's a step backwards. The functionality was fine - does anyone know why they made the change? or if they are considering putting it back?
  • jpjesusjpjesus Member Posts: 45
    Continuing my previous post:

    If you open the FIN.STX from version 4.00 you will find these two lines:

    00033-01260-090-0: navision,http,https
    00033-01261-240-0: bmp,doc,dot,htm,html,mhtml,mht,fig,gif,ini,jpg,mdb,mov,mpeg,mpg,pub,pdf,ppt,pps,rtf,sys,txt,url,wri,wpd,wps,xls,xsn,xml,zip

    These two lines aren't part of the same file on version 3.70.

    My guess is that due to this the type of usable extensions are limited to the ones on that list.
    Now, either MBS removes these lines or expand the file types, since they are the ones with the tools to create a new STX file.
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