I have path \\server\folder\filename.ext
Folder is sharing to All with full rights.
I use OCX Microsoft Common Dialog Control (only for geting path and put it into EditBox).
When I push "Save" I get:
Cannot access this file.
Check security privilegies over the network drive.
P.S. local path pass correctly
Setting all permissions for the share is for the share only, you need them also for the files/subdirectories.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
Even more...
I have path \\server\folder\filename.ext
So I need sharing only "folder". Subfolders is of no use.
although you set permissions on folder, you may still have problems with initial connection to that PC. you still have to connect with Some user name & pass.
if your network is not within Domain (you are working on simple workgroup) you should set username password combination on pc where file is (server) of user on remote machine.
So, question is, Is your network on Domain or simple Workgroup?
I tried put user DOMAIN/username as Administratot on machine (server).
On remote machine log in as DOMAIN/username.
But error still remain
question, can you save file in that folder with regular windows explorer (cause, problem, probably does not have anything with navision....)?
It was my mistake.
Everyone have not full right.
I will be more attentive in the future.