Applies from Entry

bteredesaibteredesai Member Posts: 129
edited 2006-04-06 in Navision Financials
Dear All,

What is the use of Applies from Entry field in Item Journal? Can someone explain with an example?


Bhushan Teredesai


  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    It looks like an internal field. I didn't search it further. Here is where it used.
     Table 83 [Fld/Cntrl/Elem.] Applies-from Entry
      - * Where Used
        + Where Used Options
        - Table 83 Item Journal Line
          - FieldTrigger OnValidate 5807 Applies-from Entry [Integer]
              * IF "Applies-from Entry" <> 0 THEN BEGIN
          - FieldTrigger OnLookup 5807 Applies-from Entry [Integer]
              * SelectItemEntry(FIELDNO("Applies-from Entry"));
          - Local Procedure 3 SelectItemEntry(CurrentFieldNo : Integer)
              * ItemJnlLine2.VALIDATE("Applies-to Entry",ItemLedgEntry."Entry No.")      ItemJnlLine2.VALIDATE("Applies-from Entry",ItemLedgEntry."Entry No.");
        - Codeunit 21 Item Jnl.-Check Line
          - Procedure 1 RunCheck(VAR ItemJnlLine : Record 83;VAR JnlLineDim : Record 356)
              * IF "Applies-from Entry" <> 0 THEN BEGIN
              * IF "Applies-to Entry" = "Applies-from Entry" THEN
              * FIELDCAPTION("Applies-from Entry"));
        - Codeunit 22 Item Jnl.-Post Line
          - Local Procedure 17 ItemQtyPosting()
              * "Applies-from Entry",0,GlobalItemLedgEntry."Posting Date",
          - Local Procedure 1 ApplyItemLedgEntry(VAR ItemLedgEntry : Record 32;VAR OldItemLedgEntry : Record 32;VAR ValueEntry : Record 5802;CausedByTransfer : Boolean)
              * IF ItemJnlLine."Applies-from Entry" <> 0 THEN              ItemLedgEntry2.SETFILTER("Entry No.",'<>%1',ItemJnlLine."Applies-from Entry");
          - Local Procedure 5805 UpdateItemLedgEntry(ValueEntry : Record 5802;VAR ItemLedgEntry : Record 32) : ModifyEntry : Boolean 
              * IF ItemJnlLine."Applies-from Entry" <> 0 THEN        UpdateOutboundItemLedgEntry(ItemJnlLine."Applies-from Entry");
          - Local Procedure 53 GetAppliedFromValues(VAR ValueEntry : Record 5802)
              * SETRANGE("Item Ledger Entry No.",ItemJnlLine."Applies-from Entry");
          + Local Procedure 5819 RetrieveCostPerUnit() : Return : Decimal 
          + Local Procedure 18 UndoQuantityPosting()
        - Codeunit 80 Sales-Post
          - Local Procedure 2 PostItemJnlLine(SalesLine : Record 37;QtyToBeShipped : Decimal ;QtyToBeShippedBase : Decimal ;QtyToBeInvoiced : Decimal ;QtyToBeInvoicedBase : Decimal ;ItemLedgShptEntryNo : Integer ;ItemChargeNo : Code[20] ;TrackingSpecification : Record 336) : Return : Integer 
              * ItemJnlLine."Applies-from Entry" := "Appl.-from Item Entry";
          - Local Procedure 5801 PostItemChargePerOrder(ItemJnlLine2 : Record 83;ItemChargeSalesLine : Record 37)
              * ItemJnlLine2."Applies-from Entry" := 0;
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • Alex_ChowAlex_Chow Member Posts: 5,063
    Basically, it does the exact reverse of the Applies-to Entry field on the item journal.

    When you have a negative quantity in your item ledger, you can apply the positive adjustment to that negative entry using the Applies-from Entry field.
  • bteredesaibteredesai Member Posts: 129
    Do you mean that whenever I am passing a Positive Addjustment through Item Journal, I need to select Applies From Entry if there is any relationship with the Negative Entry already posted.


  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 925
    If "Exact Cost Reversing Mandatory" in the Sales & Receivables Setup is ticked, the "Appl.-from Item Entry" in the sales Line of a credit memo or negative invoice has to be selected. It is used to determine the correct unit cost for the item's credit memo.

    In an Item Journal ,if you are sure that the unit cost is correct there is no need to fill in this field.
    If you want to post a specific unit cost, you should not select an "Appl.-from Item Entry". If you do , the unit cost will be taken from this entry.
    Kai Kowalewski
  • Alex_ChowAlex_Chow Member Posts: 5,063
    Keep in mind though is that when I used the Applies-From Entry in the item journal and applied it to a negative entry, it does not change the remaining quantity.

    I asked Microsoft about this, but they said it's there by design. For what purpose, I have no idea.
  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 925
    deadlizard wrote:
    Keep in mind though is that when I used the Applies-From Entry in the item journal and applied it to a negative entry, it does not change the remaining quantity.
    I have found it hard to explain this to my clients too. :roll:
    Reducing it would make more sense.
    Kai Kowalewski
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