
Printing to PDF... yet again

msraetsenmsraetsen Member Posts: 8
edited 2003-01-08 in Navision Financials
Ok... This is what I want to be able to do if it is possible. I have the full version Acrobat Reader (i.e. Acrobat Writer... the one you pay for so I can create pdf files). Now, on the request form I want to have an option to e-mail the report. However, I cannot figure out how to automatically print the pdf file (i.e. without the user having to specify the printer and filename when they hit print).

Do I have to temporarily add an entry in the Printer Selection table to specify the Printer (then delete it afterwards, because I still want them to be able to print to their regular printer(s)), or is there some property that I can set on the Report (at run-time) that will do this?

Is there a way to supress the Print Dialog box (while still showing the request form, because I still need them to be able to use the request form)?

And finally, specifying the SaveAs filename. Does Navision have some kind of SendKeys function or anything else that would do the trick?

I plan to use Automation for e-mailing using our company wide e-mail program (Outlook). Is there a more generic way of doing this (i.e. without having to specify Outlook as the automation server)?

Any help/direction is appreciated.


  • Options
    nymannyman Member Posts: 19
    Very simple:

    Acrobat looks for a line at pdfwtr.ini file:

    PDFFileName=c:\windows\temp\mifile.pdf ( or path you want )

    If it finds that line, Acrobat does NOT ask for file name and prints to that file and then removes that line.

    If you use NT or XP, you must modify a registry entry.

    Hope helps you !!
    There is no way to Linux. Linux is the way !
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