We have designed a custom list page in of our extensions. When we try to open this page we get the following error,

I have tried to debug this error but the debugging session does not stop at the spot where the error happens, I presume cause the error is called in a protected system object. All I know is it happens after the OnAfterGetCurrRecord page trigger.
Does anyone have any idea on where this error could be coming from? The datatype Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Types.DBLazy is completely foreign to me.
My thanks in advance.
What is underlying table of this custom list page?
I have googled this error and it has reported as a standard error and fixed in later cumulative updates. Depending on your version could be the case.
BE Business Central 23.3
Where did you find this info about the cumulative update?
Whats the underlying table for the custom list page?
I couldn’t find any known issue similar to this one for the BE Business Central 23.3. Is it on-prem or cloud?
This is on a custom table we made in our extension.