
Compare objects in two databases

I need to get BC140TEST updated to current data but am not certain if the objects currently match between PROD and TEST.

I can't afford to delete the BC140TEST company until I know for sure.

Can anyone please let me know how could I validate the two to allow for a data update into BC140TEST? I'm assuming there is a faster way than just comparing each object at a time!!

Thank you in advance.


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    SanderDkSanderDk Member Posts: 497
    I would do a object compare with powershell.
    It will give me a list of objects NOT identical then I can check if I need to manuel do some changes:
    Export-NAVApplicationObject -DatabaseName TEST -Path xxx\AllTESTOjects.txt -DatabaseServer XXX
    Export-NAVApplicationObject -DatabaseName PROD -Path xxx\AllPRODOjects.txt -DatabaseServer XXX
    Split-NAVApplicationObjectFile -Source xxx\AllTESTOjects.txt -Destination XXX\TESTSPLIT\
    Split-NAVApplicationObjectFile -Source xxx\AllPRODOjects.txt -Destination XXX\PRODSPLIT\
    Compare-NAVApplicationObject -OriginalPath XXX\PRODSPLIT\ -ModifiedPath XXX\TESTSPLIT\ -DeltaPath XX\RESULT\

    In the result folder I would have a list of delta objects
    For help, do not use PM, use forum instead, perhaps other people have the same question, or better answers.
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