Loggin HTTP traffic in BC SaaS

AitorEGAitorEG Member Posts: 342
Hi all,

Is there any way to log the http traffic into a BC cloud tenant?

The thing is that I have created an integration with an external service. I'm sending a job with the related tasks and planning lines to that service.

Each entity creates an entry into the external Service, I know that the call via HTTP post is correct, because I can see all the created entries into the service. For each entry, the service returns to BC (http response) the entry no., that I need to save into a new field in the related job/task/job planning line. But sometimes, I found that the field is not loaded, although I don't get any error.

I must know what has happened, may be it can be a performance issue because of the quantity of HTTP calls, a timeout... I feel that I cannot control what his happening when HTTP calls come into play.

Any idea or hint on how to monitorize all those calls?

Thank you

Best Answers


  • AitorEGAitorEG Member Posts: 342
    Firsft of all, thnak ypu for your answer.
    That approach you are giving is the one I0ve been using. Not in a blob field, that's true. But I created a Log table, with a big text field, where I save data in different points of the development. This is because when something fails, we can't debug anything so I save that races. But here we found the main problem.
    Imagine that I make 50 request, with their 50 responses. If the process fails in one point, a rollback is made, so all the saved logs are deleted. And appart from that, saving a log in an extra table won't penalize the performance of the development?
    Anyway, I used commits when saving into the log table, but I found erros like "Already exists a log whit entry no. XXXX", probably due to the bad use of commits...

    Thank you again!
  • AitorEGAitorEG Member Posts: 342
    edited 2020-10-27
    Thanks for your answer @ftornero.
    That seems to be a solution to the rollback issue.
    Might be something like this?
    local procedure SEND()
        //all the procedure and the call, saving the log?
    trigger OnRun()
        if SEND then
            //possitive log
           //negativo log

    I must find the correct way to change the code to this new scenario

    Muchas gracias!
  • irasoelbaksirasoelbaks Member Posts: 119
    AitorEG wrote: »
    Firsft of all, thnak ypu for your answer.
    That approach you are giving is the one I0ve been using. Not in a blob field, that's true. But I created a Log table, with a big text field, where I save data in different points of the development. This is because when something fails, we can't debug anything so I save that races. But here we found the main problem.
    Imagine that I make 50 request, with their 50 responses. If the process fails in one point, a rollback is made, so all the saved logs are deleted. And appart from that, saving a log in an extra table won't penalize the performance of the development?
    Anyway, I used commits when saving into the log table, but I found erros like "Already exists a log whit entry no. XXXX", probably due to the bad use of commits...

    Thank you again!

    Try choosing another primary field in your Log table. In my Log Table I have 1 primary key field of type Integer. Also enable the AutoIncrement = True property. Now you don't have to worry about 'Already exists messages'
  • AitorEGAitorEG Member Posts: 342
    edited 2020-10-28

    Try choosing another primary field in your Log table. In my Log Table I have 1 primary key field of type Integer. Also enable the AutoIncrement = True property. Now you don't have to worry about 'Already exists messages'

    Thanks for your answer.

    Using autoincrement instead of calculating the new entryNo in the onInsert event?
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