
CREATETOTALS - how to include invoice total value into page footer


I gather there have been similar questions asked before on this topic but I haven't yet found a solution. I'm trying to pass the total invoice value into the page footer so the total remains in a fixed position for when the invoice is printed. I'm using the CREATETOTALS function, taken from report 206:
Sales Invoice Line - OnPreDataItem()
CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Line Amount",Amount,"Amount Including VAT","Inv. Discount Amount");
Sales Invoice Line - OnAfterGetRecord()
TotalInvDiscAmount -= "Inv. Discount Amount";
TotalAmount += Amount;
TotalAmountVAT += "Amount Including VAT" - Amount;
TotalAmountInclVAT += "Amount Including VAT";
TotalPaymentDiscOnVAT += -("Line Amount" - "Inv. Discount Amount" - "Amount Including VAT");

I'm then using the GET/SETDATA function in the layout to return the value in the footer. However, the values are blank. I'm assuming I've made an error in the code somewhere.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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