Dataport imports only 1 record

gazpachogazpacho Member Posts: 48
edited 2005-11-08 in Navision Attain

I have to import a bunch of records from a TAB-seperated file (generated via 'save as' in Excel). However, the dataport only imports the first line of the file. There's no error message, it just cycles through the lines of the importfile without importing.

I think it has to do with the recordseparator. At the moment it is <newline>, but maybe this is not correct for an excel-txtfile ?


Best regards



  • ngebhardngebhard Member Posts: 127
    Acutally the <newline>-entry is okay!

    What other properties did you set?! Did you choose the right seperator property? It must be <TAB>!
    Do you use the dataport fields to write directly in the table or do you use globals?
    Is the key field updated through the dataport? Otherwise it will be overwritten of not changing the standard properties.

    I'll be back to you when I have some more informations. :-)

    ProTAKT Projekte & Business Software AG
    Microsoft Dynamics NAV Partner
    Bad Nauheim, Germany
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    Make sure that you do not use anything as the field end and start delimiter. For some reasons that I don't know, Excel sometimes uses a double quote, but sometimes it does not, and Navision gets all confused too. It should be enough to just use a TAB as the field separator, and the new line as the record separator. I always use save as text and that seems to work.
  • ngebhardngebhard Member Posts: 127
    One add to DenStar:
    use the property <NONE> to declare that you don't want to use any field separator. Otherwise we sometimes had problems with it...
    ProTAKT Projekte & Business Software AG
    Microsoft Dynamics NAV Partner
    Bad Nauheim, Germany
  • gazpachogazpacho Member Posts: 48
    Thanks everyone. I solved it: the primary key was not filled properly.
  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 925
    gazpacho wrote:
    Thanks everyone. I solved it: the primary key was not filled properly.
    That error is quite common. All records are imported but every record overwrites it predecessor because the sole default primary key field always gets the same field value.
    Kai Kowalewski
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