
Passing Option Value to Report

PinkyczPinkycz Member Posts: 17
Hi, I wonder if there is a quick way to pass an option values as number to the report.... The thing is, SSRS reports has some show row/cell logic that is trigerred by the option value ie. "Line Type"::Item, this passes value "Item" into the dataset and works ok in English language.
But when user switches language, the option gets passed as the translated (eg. "Artikel") so show/hide logic trips over there.

I could write a short code CASE OF but wonder if there is easier, more elegant way of doing it... pass option values 0,1,2 the logic in report is then language independent...

Any ideas??

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    PinkyczPinkycz Member Posts: 17
    Hi Slawek,

    thanks for your sugegstion, never used RecordRef or FieldRef but this should work with 5 lines of code, I had 8 wsuing CAse and passing a language independent value to the dataset for report logic to work. Used integer in my case but agree it is easier with text.

    Will try to rework my solution and get more familiar with this approach, Thx!
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