Filter on Some Customer and Still make Entries on Others

Dear ALL,

My client is requesting to be able to only show the Balances/Ledger entries of specific customer but still be able to make Sales Order o all Customers, please can you advise how this might be done.



  • neilgfneilgf Member Posts: 148
    Hi, not sure what you mean. Presume you want a form to show customers with balances off the menu suite but the default customer list tp show all customers? The default customer list is the one used on sales orders when you select customer from the drop down. Referring to forms as you have logged under Classic. If this is what you need create a new form, filter on non zero balances and add to menu suite. Neil
  • JuhlJuhl Member Posts: 724
    You can do this with a Security Filter on the table permission of the user/role. (Record level security)
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  • lubostlubost Member Posts: 632
    I think it can not be done by security filter, because:
    - users can prepare invoice at time where customer fullfill requirements
    - users can not post legally created invoice when customer fall into hide status
  • HayanHayan Member Posts: 110
    @Juhl No i tried to use the security filter as @lubost said, you cant, it will give you restriction errors!!!
    @neilgf it is not about a page that i can create, the thing is that i need to make a security per user, that some users can see the balance of some customers but still be able to post to all Customers Accounts, and other users can see other customers and so on so forth.

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