How to know when/what to ship?

thomastthomast Member Posts: 102
Hi Guys,

Does anyone have a good process for how to know what to ship and when? I am imagining some kind of list with all the future deliveries listed according to delivery date. The shipping staff can then select the ones they want to ship and somehow created warehouse shipments from them... But this is just my thought - I really don't know how to do this easily...

Thanks. :)


  • xStepaxStepa Member Posts: 106
    Hi, we have a queue from orders (wrhs shipments) based on delivery date, priority, pallet|parcel, datetime of the order release, ... nothing standard as I know ...
  • thomastthomast Member Posts: 102
    Hi xStepa - yeah, its something like that I'm interested in! So when you take on a sales order, when is the warehouse shipment created and by who? I'm guessing you somehow create the warehouse shipment by selecting the lines and then click "Create Whse. Shipment" or something like that?
  • xStepaxStepa Member Posts: 106
    Hi, there are two options - you can create a queue from the released orders OR (better one) from warehouse shipments (which can be created during the Sales Order release process OR manually). Whs. shipments are IMHO better, because you can combine more source documents (+ transfers, ..) in one queue. Don't forget for status field to exclude finished shipments and in processing.
  • thomastthomast Member Posts: 102
    Thanks xStepa!!! :)
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