NAV 2013 R2 Post Warehouse Receipt not possible

connamicsconnamics Member Posts: 11
edited 2013-11-25 in NAV Three Tier
Hi all,

i am in the Demo Cronus Database and try to post a Warehouse Receipt.
Location Parameter are:
Bin Mandatory: TRue;
Require Receive: True;
Require Shipment: TRue;

I created a Purchase Order with one Item and created Warehouse Receipt.
I slected a Bin Code and the Qty. to Receive is filled. Then i submit "Post Receipt".
The System is working without Errors and i get only a Message (see attached File) and nothing is posted.

This i have in a Cronus Demo DB from Nav 2013 R2. Is there a mistake, had anybody this Problem, too.

Please help, i don't know what is wrong.????????


  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    In warehouse setup there is a field "Receipt Posting Policy". Change it to "Stop and show the first posting error".
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • connamicsconnamics Member Posts: 11
    Thanks, now i got a ErrorMessage to solve the Problem.
  • AndwianAndwian Member Posts: 627
    ara3n wrote:
    In warehouse setup there is a field "Receipt Posting Policy". Change it to "Stop and show the first posting error".
    Hi Rashed,

    In NAV 2009 R2, I found that there is no differences, whether which options are selected.
    With this post, I assume that there is a difference since version 2013, isn't it?

    Anyway, I am still curious why there is this option. Why just not raise an error when you do something wrong :-k
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    If you are fulfilling order by order, yes it makes sense to see the error.

    If you are creating one warehouse shipment with for many sales order then you can post all the orders that have the issue. Changing setup to see error is inconvenient. It should be two menu option. Batch post and post.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • AndwianAndwian Member Posts: 627
    Hi Rashed,

    Please do apologize, I am still could not get the essence.
    Would you please explain it more?

    Thank you in advance.
  • KishormKishorm Member Posts: 921
    In some earlier versions of NAV the code did exactly the same thing no matter what you had set the option to - this bug was corrected in later versions but I can't remember in which version it was fixed.
  • AndwianAndwian Member Posts: 627
    Thank you Kishorm.

    In NAV 2009 R2, there is no difference between them. I will check again the area. I think there are many check of this option, in many areas. And in my finding, there is no difference of it.

    If I remember correctly, in previous version (I forget exactly), the option will have impact. But in later version, the option is not used anymore. Please correct if I am wrong.
  • KishormKishorm Member Posts: 921
    Hi Andwian

    I've checked in NAV 3.70, 4.0 sp3 & 2009 r2 and all have the same bug in the PostSourceDocument() function in CU 5760 "Whse.-Post Receipt"...

    CASE WhseSetup."Receipt Posting Policy" OF
    WhseSetup."Receipt Posting Policy"::"Posting errors are not processed":
    CounterSourceDocOK := CounterSourceDocOK + 1;
    WhseSetup."Receipt Posting Policy"::"Stop and show the first posting error":
    CounterSourceDocOK := CounterSourceDocOK + 1;

    ...both CASE statements do exactly the same thing!
    However this has been fixed in NAV 2013...

    CASE WhseSetup."Receipt Posting Policy" OF
    WhseSetup."Receipt Posting Policy"::"Posting errors are not processed":
    IF PurchPost.RUN(PurchHeader) THEN
    CounterSourceDocOK := CounterSourceDocOK + 1;
    WhseSetup."Receipt Posting Policy"::"Stop and show the first posting error":
    CounterSourceDocOK := CounterSourceDocOK + 1;
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    Andwian wrote:
    Hi Rashed,

    Please do apologize, I am still could not get the essence.
    Would you please explain it more?

    Thank you in advance.

    A warehouse document can have warehouse lines linked to multiple Purchase Orders. So if for example you have two PO on linked to one warehouse. Then based on setup NAV will try post one PO first, then post PO. If there is an error in first PO, NAV will not stop but try and post the second PO.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • AndwianAndwian Member Posts: 627
    Kishorm wrote:
    Hi Andwian

    I've checked in NAV 3.70, 4.0 sp3 & 2009 r2 and all have the same bug in the PostSourceDocument() function in CU 5760 "Whse.-Post Receipt"...

    CASE WhseSetup."Receipt Posting Policy" OF
    WhseSetup."Receipt Posting Policy"::"Posting errors are not processed":
    CounterSourceDocOK := CounterSourceDocOK + 1;
    WhseSetup."Receipt Posting Policy"::"Stop and show the first posting error":
    CounterSourceDocOK := CounterSourceDocOK + 1;

    ...both CASE statements do exactly the same thing!
    However this has been fixed in NAV 2013...

    CASE WhseSetup."Receipt Posting Policy" OF
    WhseSetup."Receipt Posting Policy"::"Posting errors are not processed":
    IF PurchPost.RUN(PurchHeader) THEN
    CounterSourceDocOK := CounterSourceDocOK + 1;
    WhseSetup."Receipt Posting Policy"::"Stop and show the first posting error":
    CounterSourceDocOK := CounterSourceDocOK + 1;
    Hi Kishorm,

    Thank you for your effort for providing time to check this for me. I really appreciate that. :D

    Anyway, I was sure that it was a "previous" feature that become obsolete in NAV 5, since who tell me that is the MS Support :-#
    Apologize for the wrong information.

    Thank you again, Kishorm!
  • AndwianAndwian Member Posts: 627
    ara3n wrote:
    A warehouse document can have warehouse lines linked to multiple Purchase Orders. So if for example you have two PO on linked to one warehouse. Then based on setup NAV will try post one PO first, then post PO. If there is an error in first PO, NAV will not stop but try and post the second PO.
    Hi Rashed,

    Thank you for explaining that to me. I was just realized about the "Multiple Purch. Order" after I implemented it on my system, and experience the error by myself :mrgreen:
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