Validation from within Excel before import

JocafeJocafe Member Posts: 10
edited 2013-10-25 in NAV Three Tier
Hello again,

I've stumbled upon a need I'm finding a hard time trying to provide a solution for.

Case scenario: we want to be able to add a function in NAV in order to export an excel template (so far so good).
Now, we also want the user to be able to fill the worksheet and in case there is an error (maybe a posting group was not typed in correctly) we want excel to "complain" and give at least some sort of error because that posting group does not exist within NAV BEFORE the import (on run-time).

Is there a way to accomplish that before the actual impot of the worksheet so when the import process is actually going to be done, we'll know that everything is correct beforehand? I saw this exact thing a while back but I cannot seem to find it. So if someone knows how to make this happen or a "workaround" I'd appreciate it.

I hope I've made myself understandable.


  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,506
    Which version are you using please?
    If you are using NAV2013, did you check Rapidstart Services?

    It wont be validated in excel but it will be inserted in a Intermediate table and once click to Apply the data to database then it will validate the fields and show error if there is any issue..
  • JocafeJocafe Member Posts: 10
    Hello Mohana, thanks for your reply!

    And yes, I did. Actually the solution I need has to do with modifying something related to RapidStart. And yes, that was my plan B, but the great way would be something like what I was asking. Ideally I'd like to do that :) It'd be pretty good!

    Thank you very much for your insight
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