NAV version required for upgrade to NAV 2013 R2

Sam_MorrisSam_Morris Member Posts: 32
edited 2014-04-14 in NAV Three Tier

I am doing an upgrade from NAV 2009 to NAV 2013R2.

In webpage

Microsoft state that:
If your current version is not the SP1 or the R2 version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009, you must upgrade to the R2 version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009, and then upgrade again from the R2 version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2

But, in webpage:

Microsoft state that:
You must upgrade to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 before you can upgrade to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2

Anyone out there know which is correct?



  • Luc_VanDyckLuc_VanDyck Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 3,633
    Sam Morris wrote:
    I am doing an upgrade from NAV 2009 to NAV 2009R2.
    To avoid confusion, you should correct your question :?
    No support using PM or e-mail - Please use this forum. BC TechDays 2024: 13 & 14 June 2024, Antwerp (Belgium)
  • Sam_MorrisSam_Morris Member Posts: 32
    Good point! Corrected. :whistle:
  • rdebathrdebath Member Posts: 383
    We're doing the same thing and had a look inside the upgrade toolkit objects for V7.1.

    Nope, they haven't bothered to upgrade the V6 to V7 objects, there's just one very minor update in the V7.1 objects.

    You have to upgrade to V7 first then upgrade to V7.1.

    This means installing V7 and V7.1 on the same machine; but you can't do that because they both break.

    So you have to have multiple machines.

    :roll: ](*,)
  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    You only need classic client voor 7.0 right? I don't even think it is required to install it. Just copy the finsql.exe folder.

    This should be doable on a 7.1 machine.
  • dmc-dkdmc-dk Member Posts: 42
    rdebath wrote:

    This means installing V7 and V7.1 on the same machine; but you can't do that because they both break.

    Hi Robert,

    Could you please elaborate, why you can't run NAV 2013 and NAV 2013 R2 on the same box, side by side?

  • rdebathrdebath Member Posts: 383
    You only need classic client voor 7.0 right? I don't even think it is required to install it. Just copy the finsql.exe folder.

    This should be doable on a 7.1 machine.

    No, you need the RTC because the second part of upgrade script has to be run after the technical upgrade to V7 and CODE CANNOT RUN on the V7 classic client.

    The two NAV server managers cannot co-exist (V7 gets broken and V7.1 refuses to manage V7). You can probably manage them manually, if you remember how to install multiple V6 service tiers (plus the V7 differences).

    The two Clients work some of the time, but only one of the RTCs can be started from the dev env without messing with the registry. Also the DLL which allows a new instance of the RTC to start a page on a matching, currently running, instance of the RTC is not compatible between versions and causes the client to crash. (This means it's rather difficult to start the debugger for instance)

    If you don't install the clients at all, just copy the files on. The instances for the clients can both be run, but you lose the ability to start a page in an existing running client (Probably not a serious loss) and the dev env cannot start either RTC (or the debugger) without registering the URL (DynamicsNAV://) in the registry.

    All in all it's just a mess.

    When you add in the 'reduced functionality' of losing the company backups with FBK files, and the flattened 90's look of the new Microsoft branding, some people round here are calling it a "runt release".
  • ppavukppavuk Member Posts: 334
    rdebath wrote:

    This means installing V7 and V7.1 on the same machine; but you can't do that because they both break.

    :roll: ](*,)

    I got installed 7 and 7.1 on same machine, everything work just perfect. Only issue - you have to import right registry file. There was a topic couple days before: viewtopic.php?f=32&t=59216&start=15

    Obviously, you have to define custom port numbers for one of servers just to avoid collisions...

    I got following setup: sql12x64, 7.0 middle tier, 7.1 middle tier, Dev Env and client for both versions. Everything works like charm. Well, i even able to have 7 and 7.1 dev envinronments open, and both RTC clients open, only limitation - you can run objects from object designer only for one client at the same time (depending on registry file you imported). But to switch - you have only to import reg file, you don't even need to restart application....
  • thegunzothegunzo Member Posts: 274
    I also have both versions (and NAV 2009 also) running on the same machine. If you make sure to use different ports for the services you can run all versions on the same machine without problems.

    I created a Page that is based on the Object table with a Action to start the object. When I am testing objects I simply open this page and filter on modification date and then start the object from that page instead of the Developement Environment. This helped me alot with NAV 2009 where the link between the classic client and the role tailored client is not as good as in later versions.
    Gunnar Gestsson
    Microsoft Certified IT Professional
    Dynamics NAV MVP
  • Sam_MorrisSam_Morris Member Posts: 32
    I have run into the issues with having 2013 & 2013R2 on my machine, so thanks to the tips on how to handle these issues.

    But ... returning to my original question, does anyone know the upgrade path from 2009 (original version) to 2013 R2?

    At the moment I'm planning to take two steps with the data upgrade: from 2009 to 2009R2, then from 2009R2 to 2013 R2. All I can do at the moment is try it and see how it goes ...
  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,506
    I suggest to Upgrade NAV2009 to NAV2013 and then NAV2013 to NAV2013R2..
  • rdebathrdebath Member Posts: 383
    thegunzo wrote:
    I created a Page that is based on the Object table with a Action to start the object. When I am testing objects I simply open this page and filter on modification date and then start the object from that page instead of the Developement Environment. This helped me alot with NAV 2009 where the link between the classic client and the role tailored client is not as good as in later versions.

    You cannot do an OBJECT.RUN(...) on tables or queries you must use the URL method for starting these and even if you call the correct executable directly, bypassing the single DynamicsNAV:// Url handler problem, the new copy of the RTC will crash because of the incompatibility between V7 and V7.1's variations of the "Check if we can open this in an already running instance of Nav" DLL.

    V7 and V6 can coexist with minor problems (the URL handlers and the finsql.exe location in the registry) but putting V7 and V7.1 on the same machine causes serious problems.

    BTW: As I implied, the upgrade must be done in two steps, otherwise you won't get all the upgrade scripts run; for example the dimension sets.
  • thegunzothegunzo Member Posts: 274
    You are correct Robert
    Gunnar Gestsson
    Microsoft Certified IT Professional
    Dynamics NAV MVP
  • ppavukppavuk Member Posts: 334
    Just look to viewtopic.php?f=32&t=59216&start=15. There is registry files which work just brilliant to avoid protocolhandler errors.
  • dmc-dkdmc-dk Member Posts: 42
    rdebath wrote:
    We're doing the same thing and had a look inside the upgrade toolkit objects for V7.1.

    Nope, they haven't bothered to upgrade the V6 to V7 objects, there's just one very minor update in the V7.1 objects.

    You have to upgrade to V7 first then upgrade to V7.1.

    This means installing V7 and V7.1 on the same machine; but you can't do that because they both break.

    So you have to have multiple machines.

    :roll: ](*,)

    I suggest to Upgrade NAV2009 to NAV2013 and then NAV2013 to NAV2013R2..

    It is now possible to upgrade data from NAV 2009 SP1/R2 to NAV 2013 R2 using a single UPGTK.
    Please take a look here:

    Kind regards,
  • ppavukppavuk Member Posts: 334
    Yep, this tool worked for me. Just upgraded a huge DB with it, and it is a bit faster, as you can skip one step. So, just read MS whitepaper and give a try :)
  • jensthomsenjensthomsen Member Posts: 173
    Well, does all that mean, that we can do an Nav2013R2-upgrade of a customer who's currently runnning a Nav2009 "directly"? The upgrade toolkit that can be downloadet from is only stated to be working from 2009SP1/2009R2??
  • ppavukppavuk Member Posts: 334
    I am not sure if there has been a lot of changes in 2009 SP1 comparing to 2009. But, if upgrade tools compiles - likely everything will be just fine. If not - you will be able to see if there a new fields/tables involved in migration in 2009SP1.

    Give a try - and you will see.
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