how Blanket Order Set as closed / removed?

casanovacasanova Member Posts: 194
edited 2013-10-18 in NAV Three Tier
Hi All,
i want to use blanket order as contract
So lets say, my blanket order can produce several invoices from several lines

once all these invoice already fully posted
how to set blanket order as closed ?
or deleted like sales order and sales invoice if already fully posted



  • ChinmoyChinmoy Member Posts: 359
    Once a blanket order is fully posted, if you try to put anything in the Qty. to Ship field, NAV will anyways display an error showing that no more quantity can be shipped against this blanket order. However, if one increases the Quantity field, it will again allow creation of orders and shipments against it. I guess, you have to design a process report of your own to archive and/or delete the fully shipped blanket order.
  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,506
    We already have Report 291 - Delete Invd Blnkt Sales Orders
    This batch job deletes blanket sales orders that have been shipped and invoiced. The program checks that only fully invoiced blanket orders are deleted. If there are comments on the blanket orders, they are also deleted.
  • geordiegeordie Member Posts: 655
    Chinmoy wrote:
    Once a blanket order is fully posted, if you try to put anything in the Qty. to Ship field, NAV will anyways display an error showing that no more quantity can be shipped against this blanket order. However, if one increases the Quantity field, it will again allow creation of orders and shipments against it. I guess, you have to design a process report of your own to archive and/or delete the fully shipped blanket order.

    Even if you don't increase quantity, by default if you have a completed shipped/invoiced blanket it's still possible to create an order (generated with quantity = 0)! In my opinion should be better to avoid it as well.
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