You're right, it's notthere and nothing mentioned about it in the What's New document. I first thought something would be mentioned about using some PowerShell cmdlet, but nothing.
yes, we need to restore using Powershell Cmdlets like
New-NAVDatabase -FilePath <DatabaseBAKfile> -DatabaseName <MyNavDatabase> -DatabaseInstance <DatabaseInstance> DatabaseServer <DatabaseServer> ServiceAccount <ServiceAccount>
<DatabaseBAKfile> so we need a SQL Backup file (BAk) for this.
If you have an earlier version, such as Microsoft Dynamics NAV 5.0 or Microsoft Dynamics NAV 4.0, you must first upgrade that version to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013.
If you want to copy the company from same database then you can simply do it in RTC
Go to CRONUS Nederland BV/Departments/Administration/IT Administration/General/Companies
1.Select the Company which you want to Copy.
2.Click Copy
3. Enter New Company Name
4. Click OK
... still shaking my head in bewilderment... Frankly, I don't think this is a good idea. A .fbk was not perfect, but it was a good way for a backup and a clean rebuild. This is now nearly impossible. For example, how do you change the collation of a NAV database now? And regarding these PowerShell cmdlets... reinventing the wheel, anyone? Why so complicated commands for things you have to do often? I don't get this. Sounds all like a mighty ego-trip of somebody.
I still cannot find a way to copy a company from database e.g. TEST into a database e.g. LIVE.
Copy-NAVCompany only copies the company on the same instance.
It looks like this is only possible if multi-tenancy is enabled.
Probably the best option is the back-up and restore a SQL back-up and delete the companies you don’t need
This is ridiculous. One has to ask if the people responsible for this crap even have a clue how NAV gets used. This way it surely won't for much longer.
One real-world example: There are companies who use the consolidate function in NAV. You use a separate company to do your consolidation. In the standard functionality makes it really to botch up a step. The best way out is often a restore of just this company into the NAV database (containing several "real" companies, in my case around 200). With 2013R2 this is definitely out. If you can't mae a backup/restore of a company, you have a very important feature missing. And no, copying a company doesn't suffice.
That is the the reason Multi Tenancy came.
we can use new tenant and copy a single company from mulatiple companies.
I'm afraid it isn't. This may be a workaround, in the best of all cases. I'm sure it will be difficult to explain to a single customer that he needs a multi-tenant setup just to have the features he already paid for. As I said, this is ridiculous.
I think I watched all videos released by Microsoft regarding multi-tenancy, and spend the last three days testing and experimenting.
As far as I can see there is no way to copy a company from one database into another if you do not use multi-tenancy.
Possible options:
1. Use RapidStart Services to export company from one database, import the configuration package in the second database and import the package. This is very time consuming. :-(
2. To write a tool in C# that exports all Company tables in a file and import them back in SQL. In other words to reimplement fbk functionality.
In my opinion this is a big step backwards. Frankly speaking I am heavily disappointed.
To use multi-tenancy only to be able to copy companies between database is just absurd.
By the way to install and setup the multi-tenancy environment is not simple at all. There are also bugs in the cmdlet, e.g. you need to dismount a tenant every time when you want to add a company to the tenant.
Multi-tenancy makes sense for Cloud solution not for a standard implementation.
I would be grateful if someone could confirm these findings.
I agree that it is totally stupid to be forced to install a multi-tenant environment just for a company backup / restore.
But guys why do you complain about powershell? What is wrong with beeing able to automate nav? This is a great feature and it can really speed up your tasks!
Why all the complaints about keyboard shortcuts not working anymore (from classic to rtc) or the UI of the RTC, and then comes a great feature which enables you to control everything from the command line, and you rant about it?
It took me very long to get used to the idea, that Microsoft wants us to do things in the GUI. Finally I gave up, even though I still use the good old DOS commandline every now and then.
I just wonder what has happened in MS, some examples here:
Setting upt the NAV2009 NST:s with the commandline utility SC - nothing difficult there, just many parameters that can go wrong. Luckily the Tegos guys came up with a GUI and MS had to follow.
Then, how about the the SPN:s... yet another commandline task that would have needed a simple GUI with somekind of Intellisense or options. And finally, moving administrative tasks to PowerShell! I just cant believe this. For all these years we have been hearing MS talk about the "great user experience" and benefits of a graphical user interface. Take a look at the Windows 8 UI - how does that match with PowerShell...
It is of course good to have a scripting language and the option to do scripts, it is just that I do not want to be scripting all everyday tasks I have to do. I administer and develop on hundreds of NAV databases, so what I need is a fast and easy access to the most important administering tasks. One of those things is backing up and restoring company data in the native fbk format. At the moment I am still at shock on the fact that this is no longer possible.
We have many ongoing cases where the implementation has been started with NAV2013 (with no rollups, since there are none for Finland) and decided we will upgrade them on the fly when 2013R2 is released. I had planned to do this by creating a new 2013R2 database, adding the modifications to objects and then restoring the data. Well, now I have to think again.
I wonder if this can be done by opening the 2013 database with 2013R2 client and then importing all R2 objects and then recreating the mods? Will the masterdata structure be so alike that the existing data will suit the R2?
In a way I like PowerShell, but I see it as a "backup" tool, tool to be used by technical people to create scripts to speed up some processes if needed.
The problem is that NAV Customers create, delete, rename or move companies on everyday basis.
In the future they will be able only to do this via PowerShell.
For Example: this is script to copy a company in a tenant environment
Mount-NAVtenant-ServerInstance dynamicsnav71 -ID Default-Databasename"Demo Database NAV (7-1)"-OverwriteTenantIdInDatabaseDismount-NAVTenant-serverinstance dynamicsnav71 -tenant LIVETenantHowTo-MoveCompanyToTenant dynamicsnav71 -FromDatabase"Demo Database NAV (7-1)"-OldTenantName'Default'-newTenantName 'LIVETenant'-RemoveCompanWhenMove
How is e.g. an accountant with some basic IT skills supposed to understand and run this ?
Even some IT guys would be scared to run this.
I think this version of NAV 2013 R2 will end up as Windows 8 and "Start" button.
In SQL Server Management Studio allows you to do most activities using the GUI. Some options are only available through command language - T SQL, Powershell, etc.
NAV should take the cue from this proven methodology. Make most things available through GUI and also use PowerShell.
Did anyone see with SQL profiler what the old backup/restore program did? I know it's mad but hey I need this for upgrades and looking back in earlier fbk backups made..
We can only hope.
I use it all the time at customer sites and on my development systems.
Doing things this way frees up my time since there are only 2 or 3 things to do.
Backup company or companies
restore companies
optionally rename the company if is a test database at the customer so they don't enter live data by accident into a test database.
Never stop learning
Van Vugt's dynamiXs
Dutch Dynamics Community
New-NAVDatabase -FilePath <DatabaseBAKfile> -DatabaseName <MyNavDatabase> -DatabaseInstance <DatabaseInstance> DatabaseServer <DatabaseServer> ServiceAccount <ServiceAccount>
<DatabaseBAKfile> so we need a SQL Backup file (BAk) for this.
If you have an earlier version, such as Microsoft Dynamics NAV 5.0 or Microsoft Dynamics NAV 4.0, you must first upgrade that version to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013.
Never stop learning
Van Vugt's dynamiXs
Dutch Dynamics Community
See ... 3(v=nav.71).aspx
The link wasn't fully working. Have fixed it in the quote.
Never stop learning
Van Vugt's dynamiXs
Dutch Dynamics Community
Go to CRONUS Nederland BV/Departments/Administration/IT Administration/General/Companies
1.Select the Company which you want to Copy.
2.Click Copy
3. Enter New Company Name
4. Click OK
Done! Your New Company is ready.
... still shaking my head in bewilderment... Frankly, I don't think this is a good idea. A .fbk was not perfect, but it was a good way for a backup and a clean rebuild. This is now nearly impossible. For example, how do you change the collation of a NAV database now? And regarding these PowerShell cmdlets... reinventing the wheel, anyone? Why so complicated commands for things you have to do often? I don't get this. Sounds all like a mighty ego-trip of somebody.
with best regards
Stupid Powershell scripts..
:thumbsdown: :x
Tino Ruijs
Microsoft Dynamics NAV specialist
Copy-NAVCompany only copies the company on the same instance.
It looks like this is only possible if multi-tenancy is enabled.
This is ridiculous. One has to ask if the people responsible for this crap even have a clue how NAV gets used. This way it surely won't for much longer.
One real-world example: There are companies who use the consolidate function in NAV. You use a separate company to do your consolidation. In the standard functionality makes it really to botch up a step. The best way out is often a restore of just this company into the NAV database (containing several "real" companies, in my case around 200). With 2013R2 this is definitely out. If you can't mae a backup/restore of a company, you have a very important feature missing. And no, copying a company doesn't suffice.
with best regards
we can use new tenant and copy a single company from mulatiple companies.
with best regards
As far as I can see there is no way to copy a company from one database into another if you do not use multi-tenancy.
Possible options:
1. Use RapidStart Services to export company from one database, import the configuration package in the second database and import the package. This is very time consuming. :-(
2. To write a tool in C# that exports all Company tables in a file and import them back in SQL. In other words to reimplement fbk functionality.
In my opinion this is a big step backwards. Frankly speaking I am heavily disappointed.
To use multi-tenancy only to be able to copy companies between database is just absurd.
By the way to install and setup the multi-tenancy environment is not simple at all. There are also bugs in the cmdlet, e.g. you need to dismount a tenant every time when you want to add a company to the tenant.
Multi-tenancy makes sense for Cloud solution not for a standard implementation.
I would be grateful if someone could confirm these findings.
But guys why do you complain about powershell? What is wrong with beeing able to automate nav? This is a great feature and it can really speed up your tasks!
Why all the complaints about keyboard shortcuts not working anymore (from classic to rtc) or the UI of the RTC, and then comes a great feature which enables you to control everything from the command line, and you rant about it?
Sorry but that is just lame...
command line is awesome!
I just wonder what has happened in MS, some examples here:
Setting upt the NAV2009 NST:s with the commandline utility SC - nothing difficult there, just many parameters that can go wrong. Luckily the Tegos guys came up with a GUI and MS had to follow.
Then, how about the the SPN:s... yet another commandline task that would have needed a simple GUI with somekind of Intellisense or options. And finally, moving administrative tasks to PowerShell! I just cant believe this. For all these years we have been hearing MS talk about the "great user experience" and benefits of a graphical user interface. Take a look at the Windows 8 UI - how does that match with PowerShell...
It is of course good to have a scripting language and the option to do scripts, it is just that I do not want to be scripting all everyday tasks I have to do. I administer and develop on hundreds of NAV databases, so what I need is a fast and easy access to the most important administering tasks. One of those things is backing up and restoring company data in the native fbk format. At the moment I am still at shock on the fact that this is no longer possible.
We have many ongoing cases where the implementation has been started with NAV2013 (with no rollups, since there are none for Finland) and decided we will upgrade them on the fly when 2013R2 is released. I had planned to do this by creating a new 2013R2 database, adding the modifications to objects and then restoring the data. Well, now I have to think again.
I wonder if this can be done by opening the 2013 database with 2013R2 client and then importing all R2 objects and then recreating the mods? Will the masterdata structure be so alike that the existing data will suit the R2?
The problem is that NAV Customers create, delete, rename or move companies on everyday basis.
In the future they will be able only to do this via PowerShell.
For Example: this is script to copy a company in a tenant environment How is e.g. an accountant with some basic IT skills supposed to understand and run this ?
Even some IT guys would be scared to run this.
I think this version of NAV 2013 R2 will end up as Windows 8 and "Start" button.
NAV should take the cue from this proven methodology. Make most things available through GUI and also use PowerShell.
Did anyone see with SQL profiler what the old backup/restore program did? I know it's mad but hey I need this for upgrades and looking back in earlier fbk backups made.. ... -stewards/
I use it all the time at customer sites and on my development systems.
Doing things this way frees up my time since there are only 2 or 3 things to do.
Backup company or companies
restore companies
optionally rename the company if is a test database at the customer so they don't enter live data by accident into a test database.