NAV2013 Development Environment crashes when saving a report

rsaritzkyrsaritzky Member Posts: 469
edited 2013-09-28 in NAV Three Tier
Hi all,

I'm trying to add a field to a (currently blank) request page on a NAV2013 report. If I add any lines to the request page (e.g. Container and/or group and/or field(s)) and try to save the report, the Development Environment crashes.

I can edit the RDLC report layout or the code within the report - only changing the request page causes it to crash during the save.

Has anyone encountered this?


  • postsauravpostsaurav Member Posts: 708

    as far as I know the case is related to report upgrade from nav 5 or previous to NAV 2013.

    Try This -

    1. "Export report as text file".
    2. Open Text file and Search Request Page.
    3. Delete the Request page sections, it should be like -
    Request Page 
    4. Save Text file.
    5. Import it back and create request page as per ur requirement.

    Let me know if any issues.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Saurav Dhyani

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  • rsaritzkyrsaritzky Member Posts: 469
    postsaurav wrote:
    1. "Export report as text file".
    2. Open Text file and Search Request Page.
    3. Delete the Request page [REQUESTPAGE] sections, it should be like -
    Request Page <---- should be REQUESTPAGE
    4. Save Text file.
    5. Import it back and create request page as per ur requirement.


    Thank you very much! This WAS a report that was converted from NAV50. Just for everyone's clarification, the section heading is REQUESTPAGE (not "REQUEST PAGE"), so be sure to search for the right string. But thanks for the great tip!
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