
Connect to Access db

MrBill1962MrBill1962 Member Posts: 28
edited 2013-09-06 in NAV Three Tier
Hi All,

I have a connection string. I'm attempting to connect to a Access db. There is not any security set on it so there will be no user id or password. The access db is not being ran as a server, just users connecting to it directly or in my case, using 'Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library'.Connection. I have some old code I've used before for SQL db and I'm trying to addapt it to Access. Can anyone tell me what value to use for Access db in place of the {SQL Server}?

Also does anyone know if the connection will accept a null uid and pwd?

Driver={SQL Server};Server='';Database=\\hgcsbs\Access\pr2.mdb;uid='';Pwd=''


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