Filter by item in return order report of invoiced purchase

ahmedbaahmedba Member Posts: 424
Hi guys i face problem i want to make filter by item no in report of return order of invoiced purchase order

my report as following :

Data Item

(one space )Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr.
(two time space)Purch. Cr. Memo Line

IF i want to filter by item no how can i add item table in design of report as data item


  • postsauravpostsaurav Member Posts: 708

    I don't know will it solve your purpose or not, but as per my understanding you require the item filter to filter Purch. Credit Memo Lines (of course).

    I guess this can be done easily as shown in attached picture.

    If u still require the data item let me know.
    RES.png 116.8K

    Thanks & Regards,
    Saurav Dhyani

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  • vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,150
    If you only need to filter according to the item No., add the "Purch. Cr. Memo Line"."No." field to the request filter fields as Saurav explained.

    If you want to filter more properties of the Item, you need to do some coding:
    Add an Item DataItem as your first DataItem. Don't indent it, don't change the indentation of the other DataItems. Add RequestFilterFields as you see fit.
    Item                    <Item>
    Vendor                  <Vendor>
     Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr.   <Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr.>
      Purch. Cr. Memo Line  <Purch. Cr. Memo Line>
    Create an record variable subtype Item by the Name of FilterItem.

    Then add Code as follows:

    Item - OnPreDataItem()
    Purch. Cr. Memo Line - OnAfterGetRecord()
    FilterItem."No." := "No.";
    IF NOT FilterItem.FIND('=') THEN

    You might want to set a key for FilterItem that performs well with the user's filter.
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