Hello all
This is my first post :? here
I'm 'big fan' of mibuso! ](*,)
Ok! this is my issue: basically I'm modifying records from [MyCompany$Item] table as expected using SQL sentences i.e.:
update [MyCompany$Item] set [a_field]=200 where [No_]='000000'
After check with SQL console that update works, go to Navision frontend. It doesn't reflect the changes until I close&open Navision (updates inside Navision are working flawlessly)
Lot of thanks of reply!!!
Usually it's enough to refresh the view (table/form/page).
MBS Specialist since NAV 2.0
My experiences on Linkedin
Thanks! By my side is necessary to restart app. When I close and open items form (or refresh) it doesn't shows the update changes until restart whole navision client app
Given your amazement :-k , I have reviewed the procedure
Your are right! =D> It doesn't matter if I close and open the item form (product form)
One minute after SQL update, changes are visible to Navision client! :?: This make sense for you?
You're welcome..
One minute? It seems it's a bit slow as process!
MBS Specialist since NAV 2.0
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With CTRL+ALT+F5 works!
Then every time I close and open "product detail form" Navision doesn't catch data from SQL server?
:-k In other words CTRL+ALT+F5 isn't the same than close/open form? This seems to me very ugly
That's strange because it should updated the information in it.
Just put a currform.update OnOpenForm and it's done! or OnAfterGetRecord.
Hope it helps.
MBS Specialist since NAV 2.0
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Solved! =D>
MBS Specialist since NAV 2.0
My experiences on Linkedin
Do you run the SQL stament alone or is it in a batch? When is the SQL transaction commited?
If you update data directly on SQL there is a chance that the change is not picked up by NAV directly.
Question is, why to you update data directly in SQL?