Exact Cost Reversing Link has not been created...

s232hs232h Member Posts: 2
Hi -

I am running into an issue with the Return Order Process in a 5.0 database. I know that the error is because I have Exact Cost reversing turned on but need further assistance in understanding how I should resolve the error!

Here are my steps with an item that currently has zero on hand quantity:
1) I created a PO with a quantity of 10, received and invoiced it.
2) Then created a SO with a quantity of 10, received and invoiced it.
3) The customer says the goods are defective so I create a Sales return order for quantity of 10 but do not create the related return docs along with it at that time. Then I receieve and invoice this.
4) I now decide that I do want to return the goods to the vendor and try to create a purchase return order for it. When I copy document it says that "Exact Cost reversing has not been created for all copied lines". And no lines are actually copied into the Purchase Return Order.

I know that it is because all of the items have been sold so the Purchase receipt lines are no longer open. The only item ledger entires that are still open are the sales return order receipt lines.

What I can do is go in and manually apply the lines (using either the sales return order receipt lines or the purchase receipt lines, even though they are closed) but the system is prompting me to apply it to the sales return order receipt lines. Alternatively I could turn off Exact Cost Reversing to post that one order but it seems like I shouldn't have to do that and I do want to ensure that all Item costs are correct.

What is my best course of action? Any assistance would be much appreciated!


  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 925
    There is a field "Appl.-to Item Entry" in the Purch. Return Order Line ( available in all other sales and purchase document type lines too) where you can select the positive open Item Ledger Entry you want. If you don't fill in this in, the item application is done by NAV using the costing method shown on the item card.
    For instance, if you have "FIFO" selected, and there are more open item ledger entries available than the ones you have taken back from the customer, NAV would apply the returned items to the oldest open item ledger entries and not the ones which you have just received. You can override the costing method in this way.

    Forced "Exact Cost reversing" means that the "Appl.-from Item Entry" Field must have a negative Item Ledger Entry selected. This does not need to be open. It ensures that the exact unit cost amount is taken from this entry (even if this has not been invoiced yet, the item cost adjustment will take care of this later when the sale is invoiced) and not copied from the average unit cost the item or stockkeeping card which would be the case if you do not fill this in. You can always do this when necessary, even when "Exact Cost reversing" is not activated in the setup.
    Kai Kowalewski
  • LizBLizB Member Posts: 1
    Hi there,

    This is related to NAV 2009 RTC but I am replicating the issue in Classic as well.

    Does anyone know why the Copy Document Function gives this error on a Purchase Return or PCRN when Exact Cost Reversing Mandatory is = True or why the Get Posted Document Lines function wont work either?

    Scenario: We are using Standard NAV 2009 RTC with no Warehouse module and Exact Cost Reversing Mandatory is True in P&P Setup.
    I create a PO, assign a location on the lines, create Item Tracking Lines, Receive and Invoice the PO. That all goes through fine.

    Then I create a Transfer Order to transfer the Item between locations so from Location A to Location B, select Item Tracking Lines for the Shipment and then post and then I do the same for the Receipt and then post that too.

    Now I want to create a Purchase Return Order for the goods as they are defective so I open a new PRO and then I want to use the Copy Document Function, select the last Posted Purchase Invoice for the Item (since the Transfer Receipt is not in the list to select) and click OK and i get this error:

    "Exact cost Reversing link has not been created for all copied document lines"

    and nothing has populated on the PRO lines. Then I tried to use the Get Posted Document Lines Function. I select the last posted Purchase Invoice again as no Transfer Receipt entry is available, select the Return Original Qty box and then OK but nothing happens, no error and nothing populates.
    If i turn the Exact Cost Reversing Manadatory off, then both functions work fine using the Posted Purchase Invoice as the source doc!!!

    If I capture the Line manually and i then lookup on the Appl-To Item Entry, the only document I can see or select is the last transaction that took place with that Item which is the Transfer Receipt, select that entry, do the Item Tracking and then I post and all goes through fine.

    Also, if Exact Cost Reversing Mandatory is = TRUE and i do a straight PO (receipt and invoice) and then do a Purchase Return, all functions work fine. The issue seems to be when there is other documents inbetween such as a Transfer Order or even a Sales Return Order.

    I know this is a long post but I would appreciate any feedback as I have tried for 2 days now and cant understand what the problem seems to be :(

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