
XMLPort File Size in RTC

matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
edited 2012-03-01 in NAV Three Tier
When exporting data using an XMLPort from the RTC I am getting the error "The size of the file you are trying to use is too large." Confirmed that when exporting the data in batches the total file size is 6 MB and I know the service configuration file has the MaxUploadSize parameter defaulted to 5. Changed it to 10 (as high as 500 actually just for grins), restarted the service, but still the same error.

Confirmed that I was modifying the correct configuration file by looking at the service properties and the path to the executable. When I restart that service it kicks me out of my current RTC session as I would expect. So I am reasonably confident that I am changing the correct configuration file.

Everything works fine with the test service running on the same machine. The only difference between the config files are the database name, instance name, and port number. There is nothing in the event log on either the client machine or service tier to indicate what is wrong (no error at all).

Anyone have a clue where I could start?


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