
Ratio ExtendedDataType

Rob_HansenRob_Hansen Member Posts: 296
edited 2011-11-23 in NAV Three Tier
I'm liking the Ratio extended data type, but it seems it's limited to 100% maximum. I'd like to use it in a list showing Actual vs. Budget...does anyone know if it's possible for it to go beyond 100%. I'd be fine with the bar being the same length as 100% (full box), but in a really cool world it would be a red bar instead of black to highlight the issue. Maybe that would tie in with the Style property (I haven't tried to see if it can affect the Ratio bar colour)...but right now I can't seem to get the numeric value to show anything higher than "100". Does anyone know if this is possible?


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    deV.chdeV.ch Member Posts: 543
    As far as i know, its not possible, i did something similar like you want. I ended up using 2 bars, one that goes up to 100% and the other one for the next 100%...
    At least you can visualy compare the entries...

    BTW: If you are using the export to Excel/Word function, as soon as you use a Ratio Field, the export stops working, there must be a bug in this functionality.
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    Rob_HansenRob_Hansen Member Posts: 296
    Hopefully MS further develops this in NAV 7 so that it has these capabilities. I could look at custom work to pull this off (creating a bunch of images for various % bars and then embedding those in the list) but it's a bit clunky to do that compared to setting a simple ExtendedDataType property. We'll have to wait and see...
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