Filter Items in Phys. Inventory

elToritoelTorito Member Posts: 191

we have an Problem 8-[ :-s

In Phys. Inventory Journals i have found Items that are booked double, i found the line for casuality, but now i must check if exists more items that are doubled.

Phys. Inventory Journal was yet posted(booked).

I would now create an Report based on Table "Phys. Inventory Ledger Entry"
in this Report i would print out Items that have more than One Entry on the Posting Date. If One Item has 2 Entries on 31.12.04 it was post/booked doubled, and must be adjust correct.

How can i do this?
Perhaps making a counter for each item when processing the report?

Thanks for any tipps.



  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 925
    In the OnAfterGetRecord of the report create a record variable for the Phys. Inventory Ledger Entry, do a setrange for the item no. and the posting date 31.12.04( use an efficient key or create one), then do a count on this recordset. If count = 1 then currreport.skip.
    This way it will list all the double postings. Their item nos. will appear at least twice in this list, or more if there were more than two postings.
    You can create a temp table and write all the already found ones into it , then search this table first for each new item no., to have these item nos. appear only once.
    Kai Kowalewski
  • elToritoelTorito Member Posts: 191
    Kowa wrote:
    In the OnAfterGetRecord of the report create a record variable for the Phys. Inventory Ledger Entry, do a setrange for the item no. and the posting date 31.12.04( use an efficient key or create one), then do a count on this recordset. If count = 1 then currreport.skip.
    This way it will list all the double postings. Their item nos. will appear at least twice in this list, or more if there were more than two postings.
    You can create a temp table and write all the already found ones into it , then search this table first for each new item no., to have these item nos. appear only once.

    Thanks. Now i have my double Items, Was only a hand full.
    Now other Problem ](*,) ](*,) (a part oft the items that inventory was booked on 31.1.05 :twisted: :twisted: i like our sales and purchase mens ...

    Exists a Report wich that i can print me booked Journal? Per Batchname. ?

    When we had create the Phys. Inventory Journal, we had create 50 Batch Names, in each Batch Name was specially items (Category Item).

    I look the Items in the Batch Names before the Inventory was post/booked, but it doesn't match with the booked , so it must be an error in any place ....

    #-o #-o #-o :-k ](*,) :-s

  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 925
    You can use Report 703 Item Register - Quantity and set a filter
    on the Journal Batch Names ( and Source Code, if necessary).
    Kai Kowalewski
  • elToritoelTorito Member Posts: 191
    Kowa wrote:
    You can use Report 703 Item Register - Quantity and set a filter
    on the Journal Batch Names.

    Hmm this don't seem to work, Report generate 0 Sites, but it works if i set Filter by: From Phys. Inventory Entry No. and then select first No. and last No. of the Batch Name.

    Hmm. I Think i make a Report that Filters me DocumentNo(BatchName) from Table 281 (Phys. Inventory Ledger Entry).

    This was our first INventory with Navision and we forget print out directly after Booking the item lines, ... it exists the Report 702 for Test Report

    What Report will be execute when i press Post + Print Button for Book the inventory lines ? Perhaps i can use it for base for my new report.

    (And sorry my bad english)
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