I’ve been searching around for custom development of webparts for Navision employee portal but I couldn’t find anything.
The problem here is that whoever tried to develop a sharepoint 2007 site using the employee portal 2007 will realize that there are still a few problems using EP webparts. For example, I have a card webpart that queries the data from the employee table 5200. The problem here is when I try to use various permissions and need to filter the data. I can do this through Navision and creating a lot of redundant tables or I thought about creating filtered EP webparts that is a lot easier and faster (if I only knew how

I haven’t found any documentation about how to develop custom webparts for employee portal. Has anyone done this? Has anyone a structure that I can use to start working on?
Is there anyone with similar problems?
I think it would be great to work with customized EP webparts. My idea is to use the EP dll and develop Webparts for sharepoint that inherit the methods from EP.