we have here a disagreement with "Last Direct Cost", i sayed that this field have the Price from Direct Unit Cost booked in a Purchase Order, my Co Worker says that this field must have the price from Direct Unit Cost Purchase Order less Line Discount.
How is it in Navision Standard? (We have an adjustet Version from our NSC and would now exclude if it is a bug from our NSC or no)
Actually in Field Last Direct Cost from Item it will be saved the booked Direct Unit Cost (without less Discount).
"raw" purchase price, otherwise they are falsely applied twice.
I know that purchasers find this confusing and unsatisfying but you can create a new field in the item table and fill this in CU 22 ( look for the "UpdateUnitCost" function) when the purchase is posted so they can get the information they need. :roll:
The program automatically copies the latest direct unit cost from the Direct Unit Cost field in the Purchase Line table when you post an order as invoiced. If you use journals, the program copies the direct unit cost from the Unit Amount field on item journal lines of the Purchase entry type.
The program will use the direct unit cost as a default the next time you enter the item on a purchase line or on an item journal line with the entry type Purchase or Positive Adjmt.