
EloElo Member Posts: 8

I have an XML file to parse. I must extract a lot of data. For one of them, when the result is ' ', the XML beacons are not here. So my tool goes to the next "same beacons".
In this case, I would like to use other data extracted.
This is my code:

debitLines = rootNode.selectNodes("//AWBAMTVAL");
bonLines = rootNode.selectNodes("//AWBNO1");
datedeliveryLines = rootNode.selectNodes("//DLVINFDTTM"); // not always present
destLines = rootNode.selectNodes("//RCPTCOYNM");
dateexpLines = rootNode.selectNodes("//SHIPDT1");
supplierLines = rootNode.selectNodes("//SNDRCOYNM");
totalLines = rootNode.selectNodes("//TOTCHGS1");

for (i = 0; i < bonLines.length(); i++)
debitNode = debitLines.item(i);
bonNode = bonLines.item(i);
datedeliveryNode = datedeliveryLines.item(i);
destNode = destLines.item(i);
dateexpNode = dateexpLines.item(i);

In fact, when the 'datedeliveryNode' is not here, I want to use 'dateexpNode'.
How can I stop program if he doesn't find correct beacon for one paragraph?
This is a part of XML file:


Thank you,


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