Endline character to access

mpino79mpino79 Member Posts: 3

I need to export data from Navision to Access, and I have a problem because I need to add 2 lines from Navision in one of Access.
I want to put in the end of the first line, the endline code and add to it the second line.

I used the following code:

cr:=10; // cr is char type
lf:=13; // lf is char type

conection.execute(insert .......... textAccess);

I did it, but in access database I found in the field other characters in spite of the endline character. I create a form and I show this field and I cann`t see the endline, I only see extrange characters like a square. If I copy and paste the line in navision or in a web page, I can see the endline character.
What's happened with these characters?




  • fbfb Member Posts: 246
    Try them the other way around: cr := 13; lf := 10;
  • mpino79mpino79 Member Posts: 3
    I found the solution. It is not for way around cr and lf. The solutions was to create a new constant variable and I copy the enter character from access to this variable (with copy and paste).

    In the code in navision, I only add this variable to the string, and I can see a enter character in Access correctly.

    I found one curious thing. It is that with the same character from access, if I put it in the constant definitions space in navision, I see two squares, but if I put these character in the code space, I see enter character. Quite courious.............. If anyone have a explication about this, I would like to know the response.

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