Refresh a subform linked to a tabular form

ServalServal Member Posts: 51

I have a tabular form within a subform is linked. A boolean control on the tabular form allow to choose a record, and a when pushing on a button, the record choosen disapears from the tabular form, so the form focused on the next record,and the subform is refreshed as well.

However, if only one record remain in the tabular form, after choosing it and pushing the button, the remaining record disapears, the tabular form is empty now, but the subform is still displaying the last records those
where linked on the remaing record of the tabular form. My subfrom is not refreshed as well.

I have tried to use the CurrForm.UPDATECONTROLS and CurrForm.UPDATE functions, but none of them works.

Thanks in advance for any help.



  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    You must call CurrForm.UPDATE of the subform. Create some function in the subform to call it...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • ServalServal Member Posts: 51
    Thanks Kine.
    The CurrForm.UPDATE function does refresh the form, but as my subform is bound to the Sales Line table, I had to add one line code to refresh indeed the subform. I use the code below :
    SETRANGE("Document No.",'');
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