Overview of Job Scheduler

CannikinCannikin Member Posts: 72
Can anyone give me an overview of how Job Scheduler works? My assumption is that it allows you to Run dataports, reports, etc. at a date/time you specify. What about setting filters in a report? Or changing the filename for a dataport that exports to a .txt file? Is it sort of a wizard interface that anyone at the company can figure out, or is it all code based?

Thanks for any help! :)



  • Ian_piddigntonIan_piddignton Member Posts: 92
    Hi Rob

    Yea the Job Scheduler runs reports, dataports and codeunits. You can set what days it should run on and how often if should run.

    It will not change filenames, set filters etc unless they are coded into the object it is running. If it requires something to be done it will either wait or error.


  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    You could add all sorts of fields to set up and have a starter codeunit pre-populate filters on reports for you. Then you can enter the starter codeunit into the Job Scheduler and voila, you can schedule a task with flexible user setup capabilities.

    For instance, we did this for automatic MRP runs. We added all the fields on the Options tab into a setup table, and modified the MRP report to look in the setup table for the values. The user knows it runs every day, and all they need to do is enter the right values in the setup and it is taken care of.

    Let me know if you need some specific assistance, because setting up the job scheduler can be a little bit tricky.
  • GoMaDGoMaD Member Posts: 313
    I've got a little problem with the Job Scheduler in 4.00.

    It appears that a run of a codeunit variable in a codeunit that is started with the Job Scheduler doesn't work. If you run the debugger on it. It stops on the variable.run with a error but no error message is shown or returned to the job scheduler. If you run the codeunit that the variable points to directly, everything works.

    I've even downgraded the coding to a standard 3.70 environment and there the Job Scheduler works ](*,)

    what can be wrong, exe bug or something. I don't know
    Now, let's see what we can see.
    Everybody on-line.
    Looking good!
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