Upgrading 2.60 -> 4.0 very slow

EstefaniaEstefania Member Posts: 16

I'm upgrading a database of 4 GB fron 2.60 to 4.0, using the Upgrade tools, but the Step 1 is running very very slow when processing Item Ledger Entry. I've made different upgrades before to 3.70, and it didn't take so long.

I've created the keys: (Item ledger entry)

Item No,Serial No.
Item No.,Lot No.
Drop shipment,Location code
Location code,Bin code

Does anyone know if there is any key left that I should have created?

Thanks, bye


  • SkywalkerSkywalker Member Posts: 7

    I experienced that you can improve the speed of the upgrade procedure if you dont havt to upgrade a database with serial or charge numbers. In this case you can skip the part in den Update Routine(change it), in which the serial an charge information is checked and transferred in the temp tables.
    As i mentioned, this only works if you don't need the serial and charge information..

  • jekingcomjekingcom Member Posts: 18
    We have had this exact issue with a 4 GB database, with a large item ledger entry table.

    Here is how we solved the problem:

    Create a server with a RAID 0 configuration. 5 drives, we used 10K drives. Spread the database (using Navision expand | Advanced) over 4 drives (1 GB each) with the 5th being the operating system. Restore your database into this database configuration.

    Up your DBMS cache to at least 250MB but 500MB if you can.

    Your steps that used to take 4- 6 hours will now run in minutes.

    Happy upgrading!!
    NAV, CRM, MOSS, CMS, Commerce Server
    Justin King
    Brulant, Inc
    justin.king at brulant.com
  • paulspiteripaulspiteri Member Posts: 8
    Surely if the server has a RAID0 configuration it isn't possible to specify the individual drives to spread over (as it'll be done automatically, all onto one big C:)
  • giulio.cipogiulio.cipo Member Posts: 77
    probably if you use client monitor, you can undestand witch part of procedure in very slow so you could modify and improve the performance.
    Anyway all the code relative the serial number and lot number had big changement form version 260 to 360 (there are a white paper that explain how and why of changement).
  • sanuychsanuych Member Posts: 4
    Upgraing will be "very fast' if you beforehand disable secondary keys in Entries Table.
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