Default stylesheet problem

lzrlzr Member Posts: 264
We have a situation at a customer site where different users export different xml using the default stylesheet. They are using the same version of Word and work in the same database/company/form/data.

Anyone have any ideas on what might be the problem?

5.0 SP1 SQL
Clients located on different pcs (they all have their own)
Office 2003

It seems that users are getting different XML from the default stylesheet when exporting the same data to Word.
Navision developer


  • gvolkovgvolkov Member Posts: 196
    I had this problem before. It actually took some time to figure this one out... The simple solution is.

    1. Open the form that you're about to export
    2. Click 'Send options' on toolbar (right-most button next to export to excel)
    3. Dropdown on 'Style Sheet' field and select the one you want to use.
    4. Should work now.

    This setting is saved by individual user profile, this is why different users get different stylesheet.
    Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist
    Microsoft Certified Business Management Solutions Professional
    Microsoft Certified Business Management Solutions Specialist
  • lzrlzr Member Posts: 264
    Thanks for your answer. Actually the problem only occurs with the default stylesheet, I have tried selecting this as you said again for the users but it does not change a thing.

    I have even tried deleing records from User Default Style Sheet (I think this is where the data is saved) but no luck there either.

    Any other ideas? :)
    Navision developer
  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    Could you state the problem a little more clearly are people getting different stylesheets appearing when using the default version ?

    Depending upon how you have the setup for the client folder located EG Per PC or a centralized server the stylesheets folder per PC may be different on EACH PC. There is also the stylesheet tool you may want to look at importing for extra control etc.

    If in doubt try deleting the .ZUP as well.
  • lzrlzr Member Posts: 264
    Didn't think of the zup. I will try this.

    Thanks for answers, I have updated the original post.
    Navision developer
  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    There are other factors as well such as the language of the Office system to the NAV system converting of different decimal point symbols etc, Also what about different version of XML drivers as well.

    I would take a working folder from one PC take it to a screwed one replace the crap folder and then see if that works, maybe its easier to say well this fixes it though i don't know why :D
  • lzrlzr Member Posts: 264
    It seems that the problem was this:

    Using a custom form (header/lines) and a high resolution on your screen (!) users got errors when exporting the form with the form maximized. If they changed the size back to normal they could export without problems :shock:

    With a normal resolution (1024x768 or similar) they got no problem what so ever when exporting
    Navision developer
  • lzrlzr Member Posts: 264
    Anyone have an idea why Navision behaves this way? I have checked properties on the forms and can not really see anything different.
    Navision developer
  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    Have no idea on that one i will give it a try, Did this beconme an issue on the standard templates as well? It didn't seem so.

    You could try looking at your properties of your custom form (assuming navision form) and look at a standard form and try to spot a difference, Maybe something about max expand doesn't let xml calculate or capture the form and its tabs correctly (have no idea :)

    Any way it would be the first thing i looked at
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