Hi Guys!
I really need some help here:
I 'm implementing Nav4 for a retail company ( several stores, using WMS) and we want to create a formula that can help users to get a realistic Min qty and Max qty for warehouses and stores replenishment.
To built those min, max , Past sales from stores need also to be take into account.
So my question what could be a realistic Min and Max formula to take into account above facts. I'm searching to have a formula but I'm still searching.
I need a formula to be able to have realistics Min quantity and max quantity when using requisition worksheet in Navision. It will be used based on Item/SKU ; Per Store/Location ; per Item Group.... YES.
When you say "Use SQL Analysis Services for this. Just export all required information into SQL. Will work MANY times faster than navision reporting. "
What does it mean and How can I do that?
suggested min
suggested max
then I created a non-printing report with the item table and the stockkeeping unit table
with the following code attached to the sku table section
Window.UPDATE(1,"Item No.");
SugMin := Item."Sales (Qty.)" / SalesPeriods * MinFactor;
SugMax := Item."Sales (Qty.)" / SalesPeriods * MaxFactor;
"12 Month Sales" := Item."Sales (Qty.)";
Larger := '=';
Precision := 1;
"Suggested Min" := ROUND(SugMin, Precision, Larger);
"Suggested Max" := ROUND(SugMax, Precision, Larger);
The variables on the request form for the report are MinFactor, MaxFactor and SalesPeriods
we run the report usally with a twelve month time period as the sales factor, so the report Date Filter equals the prior twelve month period, for example the 2/1/05..1/31/06
The MinFactor for our company is .75 = approximately 3 weeks
The MaxFactor is 1.3 = appoximately 6 weeks
and the salesPeriod would be 12
so, the report goes through the item table filtered on location and fills the suggested min/max numbers in the appropriate sku card.
now your min and max factors are going to vary depending on your industry. Once we have suggested min/max numbers it is up to each location to use them are not. They can edit the suggested numbers or accept and I run another non-printing report to update the saftey stock and max qty with the suggested numbers when they are done.
I don't have access to cal code in forms or codeunits and such so the only way I could come up this is to use non-printing reports. it is crude but it works.
That is a built in navision report.