
Odata General Journal - issue when saving changes to the NAV database when I setup a batch name

jeqdevjeqdev Member Posts: 8
edited 2017-03-21 in NAV Three Tier

I have exposed an Odata web service in NAV to read and write General Journals, I am using the default page 39 - General Journal. Everything seems to work fine if I set the Journal."Journal Template Name" := 'GENERAL' and the Journal."Journal Batch Name" := 'CASH', the issue comes when I try to use a different "Journal Template Name" or Journal."Journal Batch Name".

I get the following exception error: "The Gen. Journal Line already exists. Identification fields and values: Journal Template Name='GENERAL',Journal Batch Name='CASH',Line No.='10000'". If I inspect the collection of entities in the DataServiceContext just before calling SaveChanges it looks like it contains the values I have set up. However, when calling SaveChanges it seems to ignore my the changes in the Journal Bach Name field.

I am wondering if it is supported, or if there is any way of fix this issue using any other standard NAV page.

I would appreciate if anyone could help me with this issue.

Many thanks!


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    gunslingerdouggunslingerdoug Member Posts: 1
    THIS! Dude, I've been having this same issue. I cannot track down why the ODATA only has a reference to the DEFAULT Journal Batch. You can change the DEFAULT to another one manually in NAV, but you still can't write to anything that's not set as the default.
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