
Can a Demo license "Read" pages and Codeunits in Developement Environment?

I am a new ISV that has the Demo system installed for testing purposes. I wanted to setup some web services to enable some of the default pages to access data along with possibly some default codeunits. Should I be able to read page information and codeunits in the Development Enviroment? I don't want to change anything or create anything new but it would be helpful when setting up web servies to be able to read the services being offered to know the functionality behind the web service. When I try to open any of the predefined pages or codeunits I get an error "You don't have permission to Read (Page) Page".

Just trying to figure out what I can do without the Developer License. I also found a link to the "LKC" (License Key Configurator) and don't know if I need to gererate a new license to test with or if that is only for use with the development license that I haven't purchased yet. Thanks in advance for the help.


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