
How to use CDATA in a XMLPort

Suppose you have a XMLPort with a field that needs formatting, or it contains characters that would be invalid in an XML.
For Example suppose you need to export a companyname "Cronus&Mibuso". This would only be possible by replacing the & with &
OR you could use the CDATA option. But how?
Maybe this is something already known to many, but I had to search for it, did not find it, so I tried the following:
CR[1] := 13;
LF[1] := 10;

XmlTextfield := '<![CDATA['+CR+LF+
  'Name: '+Cust.CompanyName+CR+LF+
  'Address: '+Cust.Address+CR+LF+
  'PostCode + City: '+Cust."Post Code"+' '+Cust.City+CR+LF+

And it works. So it is actually quite simple


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